It is said in the legend that Arthur was left in Merlin's care as the price for his assistance in ensuring the success for Uther's love of Igraine, saying "I will properly guide this child, one bearing a great destiny, and protect him from the crisis of the royal family." The true reality was that Artoria was not a boy, so the king could not make a child that was not male his successor even if she was fated to one day become a king.
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However the truth is that Morgan was not born until after Igraine and Uther were married, and she is the true blood daughter of Uther as well, making them full sisters. Uther and Igraine would later marry, making Igraine's other daughter and Artoria's half-sister, Morgan le Fay, now her official sister. The king, believing in Merlin's prophecy, yearned for the birth of his appointed successor, but the child born was a girl-not the one he desired. Artoria was born into this period as the heir to the throne, the daughter of the King of Britain, Uther Pendragon, and the blue-eyed Igraine, the wife of Uther's servant, the Duke of Cornwall. This time of barbarian invasions and self-destructive strife between clans started a long period of war that would later become known as the "Dark Ages". Once Britannia lost the empire's protection, it could not escape becoming independent, causing it to break into smaller countries soon after. In preparation for the war against the barbarians, Rome deprived her island province of any military forces left there. It had been believed to be indestructible, but it was only awaiting its destruction at the hands of invading barbarians. Īrtoria was born into a time of chaos and war that began with the demise of the Roman Empire. As the incarnation of the red dragon, Artoria was created to oppose the incarnation of the white dragon, Uther's brother Vortigern, who opposed the oncoming Age of Man and wanted to keep Britain a realm dominated by Mystery. Merlin once foretold how the white dragon representing the Saxons and the red dragon representing Britain would battle each other, and then afterward Britain would be united by a great king who would defeat the Gauls and Romans. The king chosen to be the King of Britain was bestowed with a mysterious power, a black primeval cursed energy native to Britain, but its power had waned and Artoria's father Uther Pendragon was said to be the last of its keepers, which is why he came up with his plan to sire a manmade child of a human and a dragon. One is the full Briton Arthur, while the other is the Roman Artorius, and their two separate sets of accomplishments are said to have merged into the legend of King Arthur that is known in the present time. This identity of the real great leader behind the legend of King Arthur has many variations, and it is thought that there may have been two people who fit the description of the king. While Arthur is a hero well known as a model for knights, it is said that he actually existed as "Dux Bellorum", the leader of War, and was a great general who led the twelve kings of Northern England, Gododdin, while preventing foreign invasion from forces such as the Scottish and the Picts. She later obtained Excalibur and Avalon from the Lady of the Lake. She wielded the sword from the stone, Caliburn, but it was eventually destroyed. 2.6.4 Summer Event: Chaldea Heat Odysseyīetter known as Arthur Pendragon and King Arthur, who is regarded as a male in history, she is the "Once and Future King" and a legendary hero of Britain known as the King of Knights (騎士王, Kishi-Ō ?).2.6.3 Summer Event: Chaldea Summer Memories.Radiant creatures cannot exist long outside of the Positive Energy Plane and treat all other planes as if they had the major negative-dominant essence trait. Defensive Abilities gains DR 5/- fast healing equal to HD immunity to blindness, fire, mind-affecting effects, and all effects from positive-dominant essence traits Special Attacks one natural attack (or unarmed strike if the creature has no natural attacks) gains the ability to create a powerful burst of radiance that blinds the creature struck for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + half the radiant creature’s HD + the radiant creature’s Constitution modifier) this ability triggers automatically on the first successful attack in a round, regardless of how many attacks the radiant creature attempts. This simple template can be applied only to a living creature whose CR is 3 or higher. Normally, the souls of such creatures are expelled into the River of Souls and travel to the Purgatory for judgment, but occasionally they are instantaneously reincarnated as radiant creatures-glowing incarnations of their previous forms infused with positive energy.Ī radiant creature’s quick and rebuild rules are the same. Radiant creatures are mortal creatures who have been destroyed by the overwhelming fury of the Positive Energy Plane’s energies.